2012年7月21日 星期六

[Turkish] Beginner 1 - session 3 (2/3) 次要的母音規則 練習名詞句的母音變化

from  http://www.turkishclass.com/ 


Both these sentences have the same personal suffix:
1. Ben İstanbul´a gidiyorum. (verb sentence in present continuous tense)
Ben öğrenciyim. (noun sentence in present tense)

Both these sentences have the same personal suffix:
2. Biz Istanbul´da yaşıyoruz. (verb sentence in present continuous tense)
Biz öğrenciyiz. (noun sentence in present tense)

The personal suffix moves after the question suffix in noun sentences in present tense. In negative noun sentences it moves after "değil".

"Sen öğrencisin." affirmative noun sentence.  
"Sen öğrenci misin?" question noun sentence.  
"Sen öğrenci değilsin." negative noun sentence.  

Of course our vowel harmony rules apply here as well and remember to put a -y buffer between two vowels.

Vowel Harmony in i type suffixes:
a or ı is followed by ı
e or i is followed by i
o or u is followed by u
ö or ü is followed by ü

Vowel Harmony in e type suffixes:
a, ı, o or u is followed by a
e, i, ö, or ü i is followed by e

Personal suffixes for noun sentences, present continuous tense and future tense:
單數形 ben : -ım, -im, -um, -üm sen : -sın, -sin, -sun, -sün o : none 
複數形 biz : -ız, -iz, -uz, -üz siz : -sınız, -siniz, -sunuz, -sünüz onlar : -lar, -ler or none

Complete these sentences:
The question is : Ben öğrenci_.
Your answer is: Ben öğrenciyim.


öğretmen/öğrenci  teacher/student

hemşire/hekim/hasta  nurse/physician/patient
kızlar/erkekler  girls/boys
kardeş  sister

akıllı  smart
iyi/kötü     good/bad
değil  not
pek  so
Biraz  some
çok  so
mi/mü/mı/mi  is/are

ev-de  home  
okul-da  school

