Hard vowels: | a, ı, o, u |
Soft vowels: | e, i, ö, ü |
一個單字可能不只有一個母音, 判別是軟母音字或硬母音字, 以最後一個母音而定
硬母音字 的後接修飾必須為 硬母音, 如 -da
軟母音字 的後接修飾必須為 軟母音, 如 -de
at home --> evde, at school --> okulda. at the lake --> gölde
in the car --> arabada
Flat vowels: | A, E, I, İ |
Round vowels: | O, Ö, U, Ü |
一個單字可能不只有一個母音, 判別是平母音字或圓母音字, 以最後一個母音而定
ev[home] is a flat word since its last and only vowel, e, is a flat vowel.
okul[school] is a round word since its last vowel, u, is a round vowel.kahve[coffee] is a flat word since its last vowel, e, is a flat vowel.
若字尾接續 -i 時,
-- 遇到硬母音且為圓母音字, 則變成 -u
- okul --> school [a hard vowel]
- suffix we will add is -im (gives the meaning my)
- my school --> okulum [the suffix -im changes according to vowel harmonies and becomes -um]
--遇到軟母音且為圓母音字, 則變成 -ü
- gül --> rose
- suffix we will add is -im (gives the meaning my)
- my rose --> gülüm [the suffix -im changes according to vowel harmonies and becomes-üm]